$VSC definition
Vyvo Smart Coin ($VSC) is the native currency and the protocol token of Vyvo Smart Chain (VSC).
$VSC is a digital asset that runs on the VSC Network and serves as a medium of exchange within the ecosystem.
$VSC possible uses
$VSC can be used for various purposes, such as mining, staking and participating in decentralised applications (DApps) and cryptos transactions.
To earn $VSC
- You can earn $VSC as Mining (HealthFi reward) and as SocialFi reward.
The exchanges where Vyvo coin ($VSC) is available
Mexc | Bitmart | Bitget | Ace | LBank | CoinDCX |
The Ramps where Vyvo coin ($VSC) is available
Odee | Wert | AlchemyPay | Transfi | |
The value of $VSC
The market determines the price value of $VSC, meaning the price is not fixed.
The value of $VSCs held by users is calculated by multiplying the $VSC quantity by the current market price.
The operating entity of VSC does NOT set the value to $VSC; instead, the market dictates the price value of $VSC. This price is simply a reflection of the market or exchange price.
Coin Distribution
Distribution for development of the Vyvo Smart Chain Ecosystem.